Městské informační centrum Rakovník
Městské informační centrumRakovník

​​Husovo nám. 114


Welcome to the royal Rakovník

The city of Gothic, soap, ceramics and the Naughty Bachelor


The Hus SquareHusovo náměstí

It is the most beautiful part of the town. With an extensive and very long square bordered by some interesting architectural buildings belonging to the remarcable characteristic urban formation of the Czech towns. The square is 400 m long and 50 m wide. All the buildings on the square are interesting because of the depict baroque style of architecture. The most important is the Town Hall complex which is situated on the south side of the square.

The Town HallRakovnická radnice

It is one of the most expressive buildings on the Hus square. It was built between 1734 and 1738. One of the characteristic features of the Town Hall is the clock-tower. It has an eastern style dome eapping the tower and it was completed in 1801 . The history of the development of the Town Hall is still not very clear. Todays appearance of the Town Hall comes from the first half of the 18th century. The ceiling is comprised of many remarcable vaults on the first floor and above the staircase which is decorated with paintings from 1755.

The Church of St. BarthlomewChrám sv. Bartoloměje

This edifice dominates the whole square. It is situated on the east side of the square. The Church of St. Mikulas used to be situated here in the 13th century. It was damaged in 1422 during the Hussite riots and rebuilt again at the end of the 15th century and at the beginning of 16th century again in the late gothic style. Then it was dedicated to St. Barthlomew. The Church of St. Barthlomew is made of stone and consists of three naves. The interior of the Church is splendid

The BelfryZvonice

It is situated next to the Church of St. Barthlomew and was built in 1495. The belfry houses 2 large bells called Barthlomew /Beggar/ and Wenceslav /Miller/. The Barthlomew bell is 1,6 m wide and 1,32 m high. The Wenceslav bell is 1,37 m wide and 1,08 m high. The Church of St. Barthlomew together with the belfry and the Prague Gate create an unique collection which evokes the old atmosphere of the town. The

Prague TowerPražská brána

It is one of the most beautiful buildings of its kind in Bohemia. It was built 1516-1517 and it was the first building of a new stone fortification of the town. The Prague Gate was originally bilaterally closed. Its walls are 1,4 – 1,6 m wide and up to the main ledge they are 12,3 m high. The roof has 4 corner turrets. Muzeum T.G.M.

The District Museum

Numbering 1/I, it is also called the “House of Cisterciacs”. This house was built by monks from Plasy in 1781 and it was situated between the Church and the Prague Gate. The monks used this house for rest on their way to Prague. This baroque building with an attic roof is on the north fenced by a wall and a little gate.
The museum was established after an adaptation of the building in 1933.

The Grammar SchoolGymnázium Zikmunda Wintra

This is situated to the north of the Church of St. Barthlomew. It is a huge 2 story building . It is one of the oldest grammar schools in Bohemia and was opened in 1833. Between this building and the belfry there used to be a moat. The grammar school was named after a very important Czech historian and writer Zikmund Winter who taught there between 1874–1884.

The Column of Our LadyMariánský sloup

stands on the Hus square. This sculpture is in the baroque style and was built in 1749. It consists of a pillar with a statue of the Virgin Mary and with four patrons /Wenceslav, Adalbert, Procope and Vitus/. Also the town emblem is situated on the lower part of the sculpture.

The High GateVysoká brána

together with Prague Gate used to be a part of the old stone fortification. It was built 1518 to 1524. The High Gate is 46 m high. There are 6 floors and it ends with open gallery and chiseled roof. The walls are 2,35 m wide. In front of the High Gate there is a gallery and battlements with embrasures. Today the High Gate is used as a lookout tower with wonderful views of the town and its picturesque surroundings.

The Jewish GhettoŽidovské ghetto

The serpentine streets near the Prague Tower are all that remains of the ex-jewish ghetto which was found in 1678. Only some of the original buildings are well preserved especially the “Samson House” which is decorated with beautiful graffity. It is a good example of a house in the renaissance style. Dům u Samsona Of the old buildings have survived only a few houses, the most interesting is the so-called Samson's house, whose facade is decorated with sgraffito. This is the best preserved Renaissance building in the city.

The Synagogue and the Rabas Gallery

The ex-synagogue which was built in 1763 is one of the well-known Jewish sights in RakSynagogaovník. The synagogue with its ornamental plastering and murals is also well-preserved, and is today used as a gallery which is named after an important painter in Rakovník, Václav Rabas. The garden behind the synagogue was transformed into an open-air cinema in 1960.

The Jewish CemeteryŽidovský hřbitov

It is also a valuable sight. It is situated on a steephillside to the east of the town. It was founded in 1635. There are some tombstones with Hebrew epitaphes which are only a few years younger. The tombstones are in the baroque and classicis style. The house is also very important for its classicical style of architecture.
Even up until the 20th century people were buried in the cemetery.

The Gymnasium “Sokolovna”Sokolovna

It is an interesting building by an architect named Otakar Novotný. It is the first project in modern architecture. The foundation stone was laid in May 1913 and was opened on May 13th 1914. This building is still being used.

The Church of the Holy TrinityKostel Nejsvětější Trojice

It was built 1585-1588 by an unknown Italian builder. It is situated in the middle of the Rakovník’s cemetery. This one-nave church in the gothic style is 22 m long by 9 m wide. The interier of the church is in the baroque style.  

Holy Trinity Church Bell TowerZvonice kostela Nejsvětější Trojice

is a wooden belfry on the eastern side of the church. It is the most valuable Czech wooden belfry. It is also the most beautiful belfry in whole Europe.  

The Chapel of St. RochKaple sv. Rocha

It is also situated in Rakovník’s cemetery. The Chapel was built in 1726 as a Thanksgiving to God after the plague. It is an interesting building with a regular triangle ground plan. There is an altar with a life-sized statue of St. Roch inside the chapel.

The Church of St. Jiljí

It stands to the west side of the town. This church, according to Kostel sv. Jiljíthe legends, is the first building errected and marks the beginning of the town of Rakovník. The church was built in the late gothic style. The interier of the church is again in the baroque style. Dominatiny of the altar is a picture of St. Jiljí from the 18th century.




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Městské informační centrum Rakovník